Congratulations to Class of 2023 

- Boston University
- Boston College
- Case Western (scholarship)
- Case Western MD/BS ( <1% admission rate)
- CMU (Carnegie Mellon CS, 2.3% admission rate, top # 1, tie with MIT CS)
- Cornell (4 students)
- Davidson College
- Emory University
- Georgetown University
- Georgia Tech
- Indiana University (top business program, scholarship)
- Johns Hopkins (#8 top ranking, <6.55 admission rate)
- Northeastern (scholarship, admission 6.7% for 2022)
- NYU Stern Business (NYU Stern business school < 5%)


- Purdue University (top #4 engineering)
- Ohio State University
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), scholarship
- Univ. of Michigan (top engineering, business programs)
- Univ. of Florida
- Univ. of Washington, Seattle
- Univ. of Pittsburg (honors, scholarship, top pre-med program)


- UC Berkeley (regents’ and chancellor’s scholarship)
- UC Berkeley (top cs program)
- UCLA (9% admission rate)
- UC Davis
- UC Santa Barbara
- UC Riverside
- UIUC Univ. of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign (top cs program)
- Univ. of Maryland (president’s scholarship, top cs, business, and engineering)
- Univ. of North Carolina / Chapel Hill (scholarship)
- Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst (scholarship)
- Univ. Southern California


- Univ. of Virginia (top #4 public school)
- Univ. of Virginia (Echols Scholar)
- Virginia Commonwealth Univ (top health, medical guaranteed program)
- Virginia Tech (top engineering, business programs)
- William and Mary (top pre-med, and top economics programs)
- Wellesley College (top # 5 liberal art college)
- Washington U, St Louis (top #15)


- Each student receives multiple admission offers.
- Many students received honors and scholarship. Congratulations!
- If we miss any list, please kindly let us know. We appreciate your updates.
- Waitlisted Colleges: Caltech, U Michigan, UNC, MIT, UVA, UC Berkeley, Cornell, Harvard, etc. Best wishes to our students!
- A complete list of 2023-2027 will be updated when ALL the students finalize their admission and destination. Congratulations again!!!
For 2022, 2021, 2020 College Admissions, please review the following list.

Congratulations to Class of 2022 

2022 Newsletter Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NCK3ScQglnK3NQFm38fodmNh25wwLZ2r/view?usp=sharing
- Case Western Reserve Univ
- Case Western Reserve (8 years medical guaranteed, 0.6% admission rate)
- Cornell (3 students)
- Duke Univ
- Emory Univ.
- NYU (Stern)
- Purdue Univ (multiple)
- Rice Univ
- U Michigan, > 10 students reported admission to U Michigan
- UC Berkeley
- UCLA (150,000 applicants)
- UIUC (Champaign), > 8 students
- UNC / Chapel Hill (multiple)
- UPENN (ED, 2 students)
- UVA > 14 or more reported admission to UVA (ED+EA); 2 students nominated as Jefferson Scholar candidates.
- Vanderbilt U (6% admission rate)
- Washington Univ. St Louise
- Wake Forest Univ.
- William and Mary (multiple, one student was the 1693 scholar candidate)
- Williams College, (Top # 1 liberal arts college)
- NorthEastern (7% admission rate, 91,000 applicants, admitted 6100)
- VTech (multiple students)
- Ohio State Univ.
- Penn State Univ (scholarship)
- Indiana Univ (scholarship)
- U of Delaware
- U of Maryland (scholarship)
- U Pittsburgh, (scholarship)
- U Florida (Medical Honors Program, 7 years’ BS/MD)
- U Rochester (REMS scholar program for 8 years’ guaranteed medical program, REMS: 1% admission rate, 8-10 students out of 1000 applicants)
Congratulations to the seniors and families! You all went through the most competitive admission year of 2022.
For 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 admissions, please click the congratulation link or review the following details: https://oaktonacademy.com/congratulations/
2022 Newsletter:

Congratulations to Class of 2021 !
- Boston College
- Cornell (4 students)
- CMU (Carnegie Mellon U)
- CalTech
- Case Western Reserve University
- Georgetown
- Georgia Tech
- Harvard
- Johns Hopkins
- Notre Dame (scholarship)
- Northeastern U (scholarship)
- Northwestern U (scholarship)
- New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Nova Southeastern U (Florida), Dean’s scholarship
- NYU (stern business school)
- Ohio State University
- Penn State (multiple students)
- Purdue University (multiple students)
- RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, scholarship)
- Rice University
- Rutgers University
- Temple University
- UVA (Echols scholar, Rodman scholar)
- U. Pittsburgh (scholarship)
- UC Berkeley (regents’ scholar)
- U. of Michigan (multiple)
- U. of Rochester (multiple)
- U. of Washington
- U. of Wisconsin
- Virginia Tech (multiple)
- Vanderbilt (scholarship)
- William and Mary (1693 scholar, James Monroe scholar)
- Yale

Congratulations to Class of 2020!
Congratulations to our seniors (2020 who have been accepted to top schools, including Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, U.Penn, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, U.Chicago, Brown, U.Michigan, Duke, Georgia Tech, Notre Dame, Georgetown, Purdue, Penn State, UVA Jefferson Scholar, and many other great schools.
- Brown (2)
- Carnegie Mellon (2)
Cornell (2)
- Christopher Newport University
- Duke
Georgia Tech
Johns Hopkins (2)
- University of Notre Dame
Penn State
U Chicago
- U Penn
- U Michigan
- UVA (> 10)
- Virginia Tech (multiple)
- Washington U. St. Louise
- William and Mary (> 10)
- Yale
Congratulations to our seniors (2020-2024 college freshmen)!

Congratulations to Class of 2019
- Congratulations to our seniors who have been accepted to top schools, including Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Naval Academy, U.Penn, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, U.Chicago, U.Michigan, Purdue, UVA Echols Scholar, Rodman Scholar, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and many other great schools.
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Columbia University
- Cornell University
- Drexel University (Scholarship)
- Duke University
- Georgia Tech
- Harvard
- Loyola College (Scholarship)
- Northeastern University
- Michigan State University (Scholarship)
- NYU Stern Business School
- Penn State (multiple students)
- Princeton
- Purdue University (multiple)
- Rutgers University
- Stanford
- Vanderbilt University
- US Naval Academy
- U. of Chicago
- UVA (multiple students)
- UVA Echols Scholar, UVA Rodman Scholar
- U. of Michigan (multiple students)
- U. of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
- U. of Pennsylvania
- UC Berkeley
- U. of Pittsburg (multiple students)
- Virginia Tech (multiple students)
- William & Mary (multiple students)
- Yale
- International Schools: University of Toronto, Beijing University)
Congratulations to our seniors – 2019-2023 college freshmen!!!
Additional Congratulations to the students who:
- Participated in the State Science Olympiad Competition
- Received college admission from: Harvard, U.Penn, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Naval Academy, U.Chicago, Purdue, Vanderbilt, UVA, U.Michigan, and other top colleges
- Received Echos Scholar, Rodman Scholar from UVA
- Received Regional and National Scholastic Art and Writing Award: Gold, Silver, Honorable Mentioned for 2019
- Received FCPS Top Volunteering Award
- Received scholarship from Drexel University, Loyola College
- Received qualifications of National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists (10 students) and Finalists (3 students)!!!

Congratulations to Class of 2018
- Congratulations to the Oakton Academy students who took the SAT in 2018 and 2019
- We are proud of the fantastic results! We are pleased to announce that many of our students received perfect scores in SAT Math 1, and SAT Math 2 (Subject). Congratulations to all students and families for their high achievements. Your hard work and diligence is paying off!
- One of the best SAT Prep Center: per our parents’ report, 12 students were qualified for National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists (2019) and 3 students reported that they were qualified to be the finalists (2019); One student received the college merit scholarship (University of Chicago). A few SAT students told us that the high SAT scores they achieved after intensive training at our center helped them secure the admission from the below top universities.
- Yale (Madison HS)
- Princeton (Langley HS)
- Stanford (Oakton HS)
- Cornell (Oakton HS)
March Updates (12/14/18, 3/25/2019, 5/21.2019) – Best SAT Prep
- SAT 1590 (790/800)
- SAT 1580 (780/800)
SAT 1570 (770/800)
- SAT 1560 (770/790)
- SAT 1550 (750/800)
SAT 1550 (760/790)SAT 1540 (740/800)
SAT 1540 (760/780)SAT 1530 (730/800)
Perfect PSAT score 1520 (760/760)
- PSAT score 1500 (740/760)
Congratulations! We are so proud of our students for the high scores.
12/26/2018 Update of 2019-2023 EA/ED College Admission Status as of December 2018: Congratulations to the students who have been admitted to Princeton, Cornell, Naval Academy, NYU (Stern), Echols Scholar at UVA, U. of Chicago, U. of Michigan, U. of Pittsburg, Drexel University, Penn State University, Purdue University, Virginia Tech, and other great colleges. Congratulations to the students and their families! ?
2018 October Updates:
- A few parents sent us notes: “…. he got 800 on the SAT math 2 test. Professor Nefissi’s class was very helpful. He improved 80 points. Thank you so much for your help.”” My daughter let me tell you that she appreciates you and your center’s SAT training. Please say thanks to Ms. Murphy for helping her with the SAT English. I was worried about her SAT English. After Ms. Murphy’s instruction, she got 760 for SAT English. We are so happy about the score…..”“…… she took the SAT Math Subject 2 test, and got 800. She plans to take SAT test in December. We are very grateful for your SAT class….”As of 10/19/2018, we received some reports as following – One of the best SAT Test Prep
- 760/780, SAT English/Math
- 750/800, SAT English/Math
- 740/800, SAT English/Math
- 760/760, SAT English/Math
- 760/790, SAT English/Math
- 800, SAT Math 2
- 800, SAT Math 2
- 800, SAT Math 2
- If you took the SAT or SAT subject Math 2 in August, or October, and have not yet sent us your scores, please email us your report at OaktonAcademy@gmail.com. Thank you!
- August SAT Test reports including high scores: 740/800, 750/790; 760/790; 770/780, 750/800,760/800. Many students reported their perfect score of 800 for SAT Math 2 (subject test). One junior student reported that she received perfect PSAT score (760/760) in last October’s PSAT test.
A message from our SAT teacher (August 2018)
- Once again, our Oakton Academy students have excelled on the recent June and August SAT exams with numerous students scoring in the upper 700’s and 800’s on English and math. We congratulate all the students for their dedication and hard work. Using our SAT and PSAT exam strategies and learning from our test practices has proven to be the key to personal exam success. We at Oakton Academy look forward to hearing the happy news of your college acceptances which these fine scores have contributed to.
- One parent shared that: “my kid’s SAT English has improved from 670 (March test) to 760 (August test). Many thanks to Oakton Academy for the guidance and teaching. – September 8, 2018
- Another parent reported that “my son’s SAT scores improved 120 points in August SAT test. We are grateful to Oakton Academy for the professional training and encouragement in my son’s SAT preparation” – September 10, 2018
- “My daughter came to your summer SAT/PSAT camp, she just took August SAT and received 740/800. We were so thrilled as this is her first time taking the test. She is a rising junior this year. Thank you SO MUCH for Oakton Academy and the teachers.” – a rising junior’s parent. She commented that Critical Reading class and SAT class helped her a lot….. (September 2018)
- Each student who completed 2018 Spring AP Physics class reported that they received an “A” in their challenging AP Physics class. Congratulations!!!
- One summer SAT camp student reported her perfect PSAT score (760/760) as a sophomore (S.R.). Congratulations to her!
- Summer SAT/PSAT Camp Updates:
90% of the students in the summer SAT/PSAT program have improved their testing scores. All parents will have 1:1 meeting with the teacher, and the satisfaction rate from the class is as high as 98%
2018 Summer SAT Camp: last week’s Summer Midterm English SAT mock exam results show 90% of students who attended the first full two weeks demonstrated improvement. Scores rose an average of 40-100 points with almost a third of students now attaining an English score in the 700’s. Congratulations!
We are working diligently to learn and use proven success strategies in preparation for the final full exam next week July 17-20! One student in the SAT math increased their score by 120 points within 2 weeks. They reported that they had learned the most from this SAT summer camp.
- AP Physics Class Updates:
- AP Physics curriculum is fully packed for 12 weeks of Physics learning. Our teacher achieves for the most effective and interesting teaching style. We are happy to report the group of students who completed our Spring 2018 AP Physics study achieved all A’s in their base school (100%). We are very proud of them!
- In previous years (2014-present), those students who came to the AP Physics class got admission to top schools, including Harvard (A. Wei ’15), Stanford (M. Sun’15), University of Pennsylvania (C. Song’16), U. of Chicago (R. Wang’16), CalTech (M. Wang’16), Duke (S. Feng’16, H. Wang’18, J. Yang’18, K. Deng’18), and NYU (S. Zhan’16, B. Wang’18, K. Sun’18), Cornell (B. Zhu’18, K. Zhang’18, E. Wan’18, D. Wang’19), U. of Illinois, Champaign (A. Ye’18, J. Wang’18), Columbia (A. Zhang’16), Naval Academy (A. Xu’19), R. and other top colleges. Students commented that the AP Physics and SAT Physics review helped them achieve high and enabled them to stand out in the highly competitive college application pool.
- AP Physics and Honored Physics are one of the most challenging courses in high school, and AP report and scores contribute to the academic index in college admissions. We wish our students a successful semester!
- 2018 Presidential Scholar Semifinalist
- Congratulations to one of our students who is honored to get into the semifinalist list for 2018 U.S. Presidential Scholar. Also congratulations to one of our students (out of 14 FCPS) who received the National Merit Scholarship Corporation Award!!!
- There are 10 students (seniors by May 2018) reported to us that they got into semifinalist pool for NMSQT National Merit Scholarship for 2018! Congratulations!
- National Merit Scholarship Corporations
- FCPS Students Received the Corporation Scholarship
- U.S. President’s Scholar Semifinalist
- Congratulations to the 10 students who became qualified for 2018 NMSQT semifinalists, they are college freshmen in the fall of 2018
- S.Song (SAT, 2016 Summer Camp)
- P. Sun (Critical Reading/Writing Class, Jan’16)
- K. Wan (SAT class Jan ‘16)
- T. Han (SAT Jan ’16, AP Physics)
- K. Zou (SAT ’16)
- B. Zhu (SAT Jan ’16, SAT summer camp)
- M. Sheft (SAT, Fall’16, AP Physics)
- R. Lei (SAT ’16, AP Physics)
- C. Huang (SAT Jan’16, AP Physics)
- J. Guo (SAT, Fall ’16)
- ***One student received the 2018 Presidential Scholarship Semifinalist award! Congratulations to him and his family!!!
- Congratulations to the semifinalists! ???
- Public Speaking Tournament Winners (2018, 2017)
- Congratulations to our students (Thomas L, Hannah L, and Alex) who won first place and third place (1) for high school and third place (1) for middle school on April 28, 2018 at the Washington DC Metropolitan Area Public Speaking and Leadership Competition.
- Our student Ben W. won first place in 2017 contest. Thanks to Coach Edmond for his dedication, commitment, and hard work in teaching and coaching.
- Seven Oakton Academy students participated in the 2018 public speaking competition, and three were awarded places in their age group. We aim to train our students to be avid readers, advanced writers, confident speakers, and future leaders.

Congratulations to Class of 2018 – College Admission Update
- Early Admission and Regular Admission for 2017-18:
- Yale (1)
- Brown University (1)
- MIT (1)
- Duke (4)
- Cornell (4)
- Johns Hopkins (1)
- NYU (3)
- New York State University (1 with scholarship)
- U.Chicago (2)
- CalTech (1)
- UVA (> 12)
- U. of Pennsylvania (1)
- U. of Illinois Champaign (3)
- W&M (4 & 1 student with scholarship)
- VT (2 scholarship)
- U. of Maryland College Park (1 scholarship)
- U. of Notre Dame (1)
- ***The above list was updated as of 3/30/2018.
***Link to: https://oaktonacademy.com/college-admission-consulting/ - Congratulations to the students of the Class of 2022!!!
2018 Spring Newsletter (updated by April 2018)
- The following is a quick update for 2018-19 College Regular admission and Early Admission as of 4/1/2018. Students have been admitted to the following colleges: Yale, UPenn, MIT, Duke, NYU, Cornell, UVA, U of Illinois, Notre Dame, Brown U., VT, CalTech, U of Chicago, W&M, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, U of Michigan, and other great schools in the year of 2017-2018 college admission.
- The impressive list of highly selective and widely respected colleges and universities to which our Oakton Academy students have been accepted this year is a result of their hard work and strong goals. We are always impressed by our students’ work in 9th graders’ Critical Reading and Writing, 10th and 11th graders’ PSAT and SAT Prep, 11th and 12th graders’ AP Calculus, and AP Physics, as well as 11th to 12th graders’ College Application Workshop.
- Year after year, our students exceed expectations, raising their SAT scores by an average of 100 or more points! It is that kind of effort and dedication which results in the students’ college acceptances. It has been a privilege to be a part of your journey. Congratulations to all the students of the Class of 2022!
- College Admissions Update (2014-2018)
- College Admission Status (2014-2018). Some students received multiple admissions. Congratulations to the students and families! Updated by January 2018, pending more updates by May 2018.
- Sworthmore College (1)
- Stanford University (2)
- U of Chicago (4)
- Duke (4)
- NYU (5)
- Cornell (3)
- Columbia (1)
- CalTech (2)
- Harvard (2)
- Yale (2)
- UVA (15)
- Upenn (2)
- Brown (1)
- MIT (1)
- Penn State Pre Medical Program (1)
- Harvard Graduate School of Education (1)
- Harvard Graduate School of Law (1)
- Harvard Graduate School of Public Health and Policy (1)
- Johns Hopkins Graduate School of Public Health (1) \
- Stanford MBA (1)
- Many average students received scholarship from great schools: such as University of Maryland College Park, Virginia Tech, William & Mary. They all commented that the college essay workshop helped and supported them in the application process.
- The above data is updated as of January 15, 2018. We expect additional news for the regular admission for 2018. Congratulations to our seniors and parents!
- 2017-2018 College Admission
- 3/29/2018 updates and 5/1/2018 updates: Congratulations to our students who have been admitted to the following schools as of 3/30/2018, including early admission and regular admission: Yale, UPenn, MIT, Duke, NYU, Cornell, UVA, U of Illinois, Notre Dame, Brown University, VT, CalTech, U of Chicago, W&M, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown and other top schools in the year of 2017-2018 college admission. Congratulations to all the students and their families! Please review more information on the following links:
- https://oaktonacademy.com/college-admission-consulting/
- Link: College Admission Workshop
- Link: Congratulations
- A group of 8th graders who took our fall and summer PSAT, TJ, AOS, and SSAT review classes were admitted to AOS, TJ, and private school, including Madeira, St. Jones, National Cathedral School, and other top national private schools. Congratulations to them and we wish them great success in high school.
- Both parents and students reported that the Intensive Essay Writing class, the SIS Essay prep class, the PSAT review class, as well as our summer Advanced TJ and AOS Reading/Writing Classes have helped them exceed in the admission tests of TJ, AOS, and SSAT for private schools. Congratulations!!!
- The impressive list of highly selective and widely respected colleges and universities (Yale, MIT, Upenn, Brown, etc.), Presidential Scholar Award (semifinalist), National Merit Scholarship Corporation Award to which our Oakton Academy students have been accepted this year (2018) is a result of their hard work and strong goals. We are always impressed by our students’ work in 9th graders’ Critical Reading and Writing, 10th and 11th graders’ PSAT and SAT Prep, 11th and 12th graders’ AP Calculus, and AP Physics, as well as 11th to 12th graders’ College Application Workshop.
Class of 2017
- 2017 PSAT/NMSQT Reports and Updates
- Congratulations to the students who achieved high in 2017 PSAT tests: 1510, 1500, 1490, and most of our juniors received 99% national ranking as juniors. Many freshmen and sophomore also reported high scores after their PSAT prep with us.
- Congratulations to our 11 students (9/27/17) who got selected to be NMS (National Merit Scholarship) Semifinalists. ? They are currently seniors and took the 2016 October. Oakton Academy is proud to recognize the 11 students who have been honored as NMS Semifinalists. Each of them students completed our SAT or/and Critical Reading and Writing class, honing skills which supported and led to their success. The teachers at Oakton Academy are dedicated to students’ work and achievement and recognize the students as shining examples of their hard work, talent, and dedication it takes to achieve this award. Congratulations to the seniors and their families. We wish our students more success in the 2018 school year!
- 2017 SAT Summer Camp
- The 2017 Oakton Academy SAT Summer Camp was again a great success! The program has received overwhelming praise from both parents and students. Students received weekly updates, went through initial assessment, mid-term exam, and final exam. The class had improvement, ranging from 50 to 150 points. The highest score in the final exam is 1550 (770/780). Kudos to our excellent teachers and our hard working students!
- The results demonstrated the value and strength of our SAT program, which received overwhelming praise from parents and students. Students who took Ms. Murphy’s Critical Reading/Writing at 10th Grade; and took her SAT over the summer. They achieved scores as high as the 720-800 range.
- Parents are very grateful to Ms. Murphy’s Reading and Writing class, and the SAT training class. We congratulate the students for their hard work, diligent practice, and outstanding results!
- One student joined the Winter Intensive SAT Review, and achieved 720/800. The student received the highest score of 790/790; she joined our summer PSAT/SAT camp, and diligently practiced for three months before January 21 SAT test. Congratulations to all our students!!!
- College Board Practice Tests:
- PSAT Practice Test Set – 2016
- PSAT Practice Test Answers – 2016
- *A Special Message from SAT Instructor Ms. Murphy (9/18/2017, 10/20/2017)*
- For the past 3 years it has been a privilege and joy to use my (Ms. Murphy) 35 years of experience as an educator to guide Oakton Academy students to success on the English SAT exam. I am enormously proud of our students’ success. It is proof of their diligence. My classes teach students to apply their already impressive language skills to a higher level, employing tactics resulting in increases ranging from 60 to 150 points. The highest SAT Score is 780/800 and the highest essay score is 8-7-7! Congratulations to our graduates! Your hard work has given you success. I am proud to be your teacher!” – Ms. Murphy
Class of 2015, 2016, and 2017
- Congratulations to the students who achieved high scores (PSAT: 1470/1480/1490/1500/1510).
- For a record of our students’ SAT/PSAT results, please look at the SAT & PSAT Test Results page!
- Congratulations to the 2015, 2016, and 2017 classes. They successfully got admissions to: Stanford (M.S.); UVA (S.W.); NYU (S.Z.); Columbia (A.Z.); Duke (S.F); Purdue (S.L); Stanford (S.X.), Yale (S.X.), Yale (B.C.), UPenn (H.C.), and other wonderful colleges. Congratulations!!!