2015-2023 SAT Achievements from Oakton Academy Students
2015 – 2023 SAT top scores from Oakton Academy SAT class!
- Presidential Scholars (2023), E.F. and M. W. were nominated (2 students), perfect SAT scores (800/800) and (790/800)
- 8 students were qualified for 2024 National Merit Scholarship:2024 National Merit Semifinalists
- Presidential Scholar (2021), J.W. was one of the two finalists for Presidential Scholar, perfect SAT score (800/800)
- 7 students were qualified for 2023 National Merit Scholarship
- 9 students were qualified for 2022 National Merit Scholarship
- 2 students were selected to be the finalists of 2021 National Merit Scholarship
- 3 students were selected to the finalists of 2019 National Merit Scholarship
- 10 students were qualified for 2019 National Merit Scholarship
- 12 students were qualified for 2020 National Merit Scholarship
- 9 students were qualified for 2021 National Merit Scholarship
We are pleased to announce that many of our students received perfect scores on the SAT Math. One student reported perfect PSAT scores (760/760), 2018. Some achieved high SAT scores 790/800, 780/800, 770/800, or 780/790. We have 3 SAT class students achieved perfect scores of 1600 (800/800) in 2018, 2019, 2020, who are all attending Harvard University. Congratulations! We offer SAT Math, SAT English, AP Calculus, AP Physics. Feel free to check the website for program list. www.oaktonacademy.com.
” ….. my daughter got 680 in English; after taking the SAT intensive, she received 780, we are so thrilled. The student was admitted to Vanderbilt, and Johns Hopkins (2021-2025)
“…. this student took the summer intensive SAT, and he received perfect score 1600 (800/800), he was the finalist for Presidential Scholar (2021), and he is currentinly attending Harvard (2021-2025)
“…. he got 800 on the SAT math test. Professor N’s class was very helpful. He improved 80 points. Thank you so much for your help.” The student was admitted to VTech (2021 – 2025)
” My daughter let me tell you that she appreciates you and your center’s SAT training. Please say thanks to Ms. Murphy for helping her with the SAT English. I was worried about her SAT English. After Ms. Murphy’s instruction, she got 760 for SAT English. I am so happy about the score…..” Johns Hopkins (2019 – 2023)
“My son took your summer’s SAT/PSAT camp, his English was 670, and he received 760 this time. He got Math 790. So his super score is high. We are so happy. Thank you and Oakton Academy for the professional training…..” U Chicago (2020 – 2024)
“…… she took the December SAT test and got Math 800. We are very grateful for your SAT class….”
” ….. my daughter took it in August, and she achieved 720/800 as a rising junior. She plans to take it again in December. Her SAT Math 2 is also 800. Thank you so much! Our next question will be when to start college application workshop…… Johns Hopkins (2019 – 2023)
Additional SAT Reports and Scores from Our Students
- 760/780, SAT English/Math
- 750/800, SAT English/Math
- 720/800, SAT English/Math
- 740/800, SAT English/Math
- 760/760, SAT English/Math
- 760/790, SAT English/Math
- 720/800, SAT English/Math
- 800, SAT Math 2
- 800, SAT Math 2
- 800, SAT Math 2
- 800, SAT Math 2
Congratulations to the students and their families!
- High scores including: 750/790; 760/790; 770/780; many students reported their perfect score of 800 for SAT Math 2 (subject test). Congratulations to the students!
- Each student from the 2018 Spring AP Physics class reported that they received an “A” in their challenging AP Physics class. Congratulations!!!
- One summer SAT camp (2018) student reported her perfect PSAT score (760/760) as a sophomore (S.R.). Congratulations to her!
Summer SAT/PSAT Camp Updates (2018)
- 2018 Summer SAT Camp: last week’s Summer Midterm English SAT mock exam results show 90% of students who attended the first full two weeks demonstrated improvement. Scores rose an average of 40-100 points with almost a third of students now attaining an English score in the 700’s.Congratulations!
- We are working diligently to learn and use proven success strategies in preparation for the final full exam next week July 17-20! One student in the SAT math increased their score by 120 points within 2 weeks. They reported that they had learned the most from this SAT summer camp.
March 2018 SAT Test
- 1520 (3 students reported)
- 1530 (2 students reported)
- 1540 (1 student), 2 student
- 1560 (760/800), 1 student
- 1590 (790/800), 1 student

2018 Presidential Scholar Semifinalist
Congratulations to one of our students who is honored to get into the semifinalist list for 2018 U.S. Presidential Scholar. Also congratulations to one of our students (out of 14 FCPS) who received the National Merit Scholarship Corporation Award!!!
There are 11 students reported to us that they got into semifinalist pool for NMSQT National Merit Scholarship for 2018! Congratulations.
- National Merit Scholarship Corporations
- FCPS Students Received the Corporation Scholarship
- U.S. President’s Scholar Semifinalist
October SAT Test
Student 1: SAT Math 750; SAT Physics 730
Student 2: SAT Math 770; SAT Physics 770
Student 3: SAT Math 800; SAT Physics 800
Student 4: 1520 (730/790)
Student 5: 1540 (750/790)
Student 6: 1520 (720/800)
Student 7: 1540 (750/790)
Student 8: 1440 (720/720)
August SAT Test
The following included the results of those who reported to us as of Sept 18, 2017!
Student 1: 1490 (730/760)
Student 2: 1570 (770/800)
Student 3: 1580 (780/800)
Student 4: 1510 (730/780)
Student 5: 1550 (760/790)
Student 6: 1540 (740/800)
Student 7: 1550 (750/800)
Student 8: 1560 (760/800)
Student 9: 1480 (700/780)
Student 10: 1470 (710/760)
May/June SAT Test
Student 1: 1500 (740/760)
Student 2: 1570 (780/790)
Student 3: 1570 (770/800)
Student 4: 1540 (740/800)
Student 5: 1540 (740/800)
Student 6: 1530 (740/790)
Student 7: 1500 (740/760)
Student 8: SAT Physics (770)
Student 9: SAT Physics (800)
January SAT Test (*SAT Honored Club)
Student 1: 720/800
Student 2: 740/790
Student 3: 720/800
Student 4: 750/680
Student 5: 790/790
Student 6: <700/790
Student 7: <700/790
2017 PSAT Reports
760/760 is perfect score
Student 1: 1510
Student 2: 1500
Student 3: 1490
10 Seniors who took the 2016 PSAT Test were also selected to be National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists!
October SAT Test
Student 1: English 780, Essay 7-8-8, Math 770
Student 2: English 750, Essay 7-7-7, Math 770
Student 3: English 720, Essay 7-7-7, Math 800
Student 4: English 740, Essay 7-8-8, Math 800
November SAT Test
Student 1: 700/770
Student 2: 770/800
Student 3: 750/770
Student 4: 730/750
Essays range from 17 – 24 (total score of 24, 8-8-8); some received high scores of 7-8-8; and 8-8-7 for Essay Writing
December SAT Test
Student 1: 740/770
Student 2: 750/790
Student 3: 750/800
Student 4: 790/780
PSAT Test Result (December 12, 2016)
Student 1: 1480
Student 2: 1480
Student 3: 1470
Student 4: 1500 (Perfect score is 1520)
Student 5: 1480
Student 6: 1490
Student 7: 1500
Student 8: 1510 (750/760)
The above numbers are solid and good for 2018 National Merit Scholarship. See target score cut off information on: http://www.compassprep.com/national-merit-semifinalist-cutoffs/
PSAT and National Merit Scholarship
FCPS 213 Students Named National Merit Semifinalists in 2016:
FCPS students who got into the finalist – NMSQT: http://commweb.fcps.edu/newsreleases/newsrelease.cfm?newsid=298
Please Note: We do not publish students’ names as we agree to protect their privacy. Congratulations to those who have reported to us, and who have achieved such excellent scores on their SAT exam!